In addition to the films reviewed on the next 4 pages, AMG has "in the con awaiting release "Reluctant Model" "Motorcycle Thief" "Aftemoon of a Satyr" "Danny and the Muscle Merman" various posing routines. Films on the production boord include "Mark of the Scarab", "Pygmallion","The Itching Powder", "Hell Night", "Cop ond the Hotrodder" "Young Dr. Frankenstein", "Narcissus", The Hitchhiker", and many others not yet titled. Please seng your ideas.

"COWBOY AND THE SAILOR" When sailor Bob (Saputo) experiences difficulty with his jolopy, cowboy Joe (Leitel) tries to help him out, is unsuccessful so he lets Bob wear his levis to get under the car and fix it so Bob wont get his own uniform dirty. But Bob gets dirty on his upper body anyway so they ride to Joe's ranch house so Bob can get a bath. A simple uninvolved plot, but most who


e it say they think the film has good movement.

16mm 180 A $12. 8 mm 90 ft $8.00 B&W silent. Color 16mm $28.70 Color 8mm $16.00

Athletic Model Guild 1834 W 11th St. L. A, Calif.

Scene from the


(Release date December 1, 1958)

Though Aloddin" is one of our most interesting films we will probably have less publicity on it thon dny of our other films because we were

oble to get so few publicity shots.

It seemed that everything went wrong on the day we shot "Aloddin". To begin with, much of the cast folled to show up. The "genie had vanished to Mexico. The slove driver hed to visit a sick qunt. Wayne Hunt who had promised to be a slave apparentl cided the role was too menial for him and didnt show up. Even our little Tom cot, Satan who had an important role in the plot decided this was a good weekend to visit his ladyfriend on the next block. Though our studio is usually plagued with extra people, it seemed that on this day there was no one to fill in as extras in the film, to help with props, fix Food for the cost etc. With a change of cast, the original script was near useless and o Unrehearsed script can mean some terrific headaches. By some magic we got through the film though we dont quite know how. We would have loved to reshoot several scenes but two of the key players have left the country. There will be more news about this film in a future issue of PP. This is Aladdin Photo A. Other movie stills are found in catalog XQ13..


SLAVE, scene

from an AMG


Photo H. Release date

of film: Sept 1, 19582

Scene from COWBOYS AND INDIANS. Dick Dearwester ond Joe Leitel spreadeagle and bind George Savage whose horse they are trying to steal. George's cries for help bring Richard Collier onto the scene and he is about to surprise the cowboys. This is black and white photo Q, more stills from this film to be found in XQ13 catalog.,

The film COWBOYS AND INDIANS will be released by AMG August 1, 1958 Write for bulletin on movies.

A neor duplicate of this scene is found in AMG Colora Stereo Set F: 6 slides of duals. $3.50. Stereo-Realist size. Viewer $3.50. AMG 1834 West 11th street

Los Angeles 6, Colif.